9:00 - 12:20 - 创新医疗器械路演专场
- Innovative Medical Device Roadshow
9:00 - 10:40
- 第一阶段
- Session I
- 雒剑 , 碧迪医疗大中华区业务发展部高级总监
- LUO Jian , Sr. Director of Business Development, BD Greater China
9:00 - 9:20 - 项目1
- Project 1
- 用于居家个人健康筛查与管理的定量快速检测试剂盒
- Quantitative Rapid Test for At-home Screening and Management of Personal Healthcare
- 刘文刚 芯普生物科技有限公司首席执行官
- LIU Wengang , CEO,Cimple Biotechnology Limited
9:20 - 9:40 - 项目2
- Project 2
- 超声脑成像
- Ultrasonic Brain Imaging
- 舒咬根 温州佰瓯集科技有限公司总经理
- SHU Yaogen , General Manager, Wenzhou Baiouji Technology Co., Ltd.
9:40 - 10:00 - 项目3
- Project 3
- iCubate超多重PCR技术平台——FDA认证的数字解码免疫力的强大工具
- iCubate Ultra-Multiplex PCR Technology Platform — FDA-Certified Key Technology for Decoding Immune System Data
- 董清泉 广州方域生物技术有限公司首席商务官
- DONG Qingquan , CBO, Guangzhou Fangyu Biotech Co., Ltd.
10:00 - 10:20 - 项目4
- Project 4
- 全球新 中国造——重组人源化胶原蛋白生物新材料产业化之路
- Global Innovation, Made in China - New Recombinant Humanized Collagen Biomaterial the Path to Industrialization
- 唐梦华 山西锦波生物医药股份有限公司董事、副总经理、董事会秘书
- TANG Menghua , Director ,Vice General Manager and Board Secretary,Shanxi Jinbo Biopharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
10:20 - 10:40 - 项目5
- Project 5
- 拉索生物-突破“卡脖子”的国产固相芯片研发和产业化应用企业
- Laso Biotech-China's Pioneer Microarrays Provider
- 陈卓 北京拉索生物科技有限公司首席财务官
- CHEN Zhuo , CFO, LASO Biotech,Beijing,Co., Ltd.
10:40 - 12:20
- 第二阶段
- Session II
- 邱春梅 , 斯道资本执行董事
- Delphine QIU , Principal, Eight Roads
10:40 - 11:00 - 项目6
- Project 6
- 基于微球传递系统技术的新型生物活性材料在创面修复和皮肤再生中的研究
- Novel Bioactive Materials Based on Microsphere Delivery System Technology in Wound Repair and Skin Regeneration
- 郭小锋 广州东源药业科技有限公司研究总监
- GUO Xiaofeng , Research Director, Guangzhou Dongyuan Oriplamacy Technology Co.
11:00 - 11:20 - 项目7
- Project 7
- 奇点医疗·器官医学开创者
- Singularity Medical - Organ Medicine Pioneer
- 方小敏 奇点医疗科技(广州)有限公司副总经理兼董事长助理
- FANG Xiaomin , General Manager,Singularity Medical Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
11:20 - 11:40 - 项目8
- Project 8
- 活性珊瑚骨移植物——人骨和牛源移植物的天然替代物
- Activated Coral Bone Grafts - A Natural Alternative to Human Bone and Grafts of Bovine Origin
- 郑翾 骨之源(广州)医疗科技有限公司临床总监
- ZHENG Xuan , Clinical Director, Gu Zhi Yuan (Guangzhou) Medical Technology Co.
11:40 - 12:00 - 项目9
- Project 9
- 基于机器学习的糖尿病全病程精准诊疗工具ML-Diabetes
- ML-Diabetes: A Machine Learning-Based Precision Tool for Comprehensive Diabetes Care
- 邹显彤 北京大学人民医院副研究员
- ZOU Xiantong , Assistant Professor of Peking University
12:00 - 12:20 - 项目10
- Project 10
- 以AI和半导体为翼,使生命科技惠及众生
- With AI and Semiconductors as Wings, Life Science and Technology Can Benefit All Living Beings
- 黄豪 芯像生物香港有限公司运营总监
- Theresa HUANG , Operations Director, GeneSense Hong Kong Limited