9:00 - 12:05
- 投资并购论坛
- Investment and M&A Forum
- 周潇薇 , 松禾资本董事总经理
- ZHOU Xiaowei , Managing Director of GreenPine Capital
9:00 - 9:05 - 主持人开场介绍重要嘉宾
- Opening Remarks
9:05 - 10:35 - 第一阶段:主题报告
- Session I: Keynote Speech
9:05 - 9:35 - 主题报告1:全球化竞争的环境下中国医药创新和投资展望
- Keynote Speech 1: Outlook on China's Pharmaceutical Innovation and Investment in the Context of Global Competition
- 陈侃 启明创投合伙人、医药组共同负责人
- CHEN Kan , Partner and Co-Lead of Healthcare, Qiming Venture Partners
9:35 - 10:05 - 主题报告2:中国生物制药行业创新加速及其对跨国公司的启示
- Keynote Speech 2: China's Accelerating Biopharma Industry Innovation & Implications for MNCs
- 陈冰 阿斯利康国际业务拓展合作与战略投资副总裁
- CHEN Bing , VP of AstraZeneca International Business Development and Venture Fund
10:05 - 10:35 - 主题报告3:2024药械投资并购新法规与新案例解析
- Keynote Speech 3: Digest of New Rules and New Deals in Investment and Acquisition of Pharmaceutical and Device Companies
- 陶旭东 君合律师事务所资深合伙人、医药医疗业务部主管
- TAO Xudong , Senior Partner and Head of Life Science Practice of Junhe LLP
10:35 - 12:05 - 第二阶段:主题讨论
- Session II: Panel
10:35 - 11:20 - 主题讨论1:构建大健康产业投资的良性闭环
- Panel 1: Building a Virtuous Closed Loop for Investment in the Big Health Industry
主持人 - 邹洁羽 , 礼来亚洲基金合伙人
- ZOU Jieyu , Partner of LAV
Panel嘉宾 - 柳丹 , Pivotal Bioventure Partners管理合伙人
- LIU Dan , Managing Partner of Pivotal Bioventure Partners
- 李江峰 , 达晨财智合伙人
- LI Jiangfeng , Partner of Fortune Capital
- 刘为民 , 百济神州生科创投董事总经理
- Will LIU , Managing Director of BeiGene Bioventures
- 潘岷溟 , 广州产投资本生物医药行业组负责人
- PAN Minming , Head of the Biomedical Industry Department, Guangzhou Industrial Investment Capital Management Co., Ltd.
11:20 - 12:05 - 主题讨论2:新规下医药产业并购及交易的新机遇
- Panel 2: New Opportunities for Pharmaceutical Industry M&A and Transactions under New Regulations
主持人 - 陈力 , 华领医药技术(上海)有限公司首席执行官
- CHEN Li , CEO of Hua Medicine (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panel嘉宾 - 张莉 , 齐济投资创始管理合伙人
- Lily ZHANG , Founding and Managing Partner of TTM Capital
- 陶峰 , 博远资本创始合伙人
- TAO Feng , Founding Partner of BioTrack Capital
- 肖振宇 , 通德资本董事长兼首席执行官
- XIAO Zhenyu , Chairman and CEO of Hermed Capital
- 廖逸星 , 华泰联合证券大健康行业部负责人
- LIAO Yixing , Head of Investment Banking/Healthcare Division of Huatai United Securities